This is it!
The last blog of the CDN Class of 2016-2017. As we reflect on the challenges, joys, blessings and many life changing experiences, we are reminded that above all these past 10 months were a HUGE gift. We were granted the gift of encounter, meeting friendships that will last a life time, mentors that provided revolutionary insight and so much more!
Our CDN year was a giant gift. "Thank You For Your Gift."
We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your prayers, support and for the amazing role you, our dear readers and friends, have played in our Novitiate Adventure.

- Sr. Katherine Frazier, Adrian Dominican Sisters
As this canonical novitiate year concludes,
I would like to thank all of the Sisters and Associates who have sent me well
wishes, cards and for your prayers. Your thoughtfulness and support means a lot
to me. I look forward for the next step of my journey into Dominican life with
all of you. Please continue to keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in
- Sr. Margaret Uche, Dominican Sisters of Peace
- Sr. Margaret Uche, Dominican Sisters of Peace

It is hard to believe that our time in St. Louis and at the Collaborate Dominican Novitiate is coming to an end. At our last prayer together, we were asked to share our biggest treasure attained during the year, and as I began to think I could not narrow it down to one. There are many people from our Dominican Family, ministry, ICN, The Aquinas Institute of Theology and the St. Louis Community that will always be treasured in my heart. These individuals embodied and demonstrated God's abundant love, challenged me to grow and empowered the continuation of my discernment to religious life. I must also give a shout out to our Novice Directors, Sr. Joye Gros, O.P. and Sr. Megan McElroy, O.P. for their companionship and powerful mentoring during my life changing year. Looking back to August of 2016, I find it hard to believe the radical changes that I experienced during my time at the CDN. I walk away a different person, with gained insight and continuing my desire to keep growing in God. I conclude by also thanking you, our readers, family, friends and prayer companions for your support. Receive my sincerest gratitude.
-Sr. Ana González, Dominican Sisters of Peace
A delightful tradition of the CDN is to welcome for an orientation the future novices. In the tradition of our predecessors, we had the honor to extend a sisterly welcome to Gina Scaringella (Caldwell Dominican Sisters) and Rhonda Miska (Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa). We enjoyed our time together and will keep Gina and Rhonda in our prayers as they enter the journey of the Canonical Novitiate Year, the CDN experience and the many adventures to come!
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In Conclusion....
We leave the CDN and this blog with hearts glowing and our beings eternally grateful.Thank You and God Bless!