As we are in the last week of our stay at the CDN, we do our spring-cleaning at the house and begin to pack our things, getting ready for our next destination.

It was only ten months ago when we unpacked our luggage to begin our CDN days.
At the beginning of my canonical year, I learned that
“unpack” meant to empty and to let go. I came to the novitiate with an open
mind, open heart, and open hands, willing to learn and adapt to something new.
For instance, I learned to let go of some of my self-interests, such as
personal travel and being present for some family and friend celebrations. I learned to let go many of my old habits, so
I could integrate into a new community at the CDN and focus on discerning my
religious life. Now that I am at the end of my canonical year, what will I pack
and bring with me?
When I came here, I had one box of books and personal
belongings. After ten months, although
my books have doubled, my experiences and my knowledge have multiplied many
times. I entered the novitiate year with
a simple understanding of the vowed life. My novitiate year has given me a much
deeper understanding of religious life through the three vows: obedience,
poverty, and chastity. My novitiate year has helped me grow in my spiritual
life, vowed life, and cultural living. Additionally, I have also learned to
appreciate more of the CND, ICN Communities, and Dominican family. The time at
the CDN gave us many opportunities to meet other Dominican Sisters, Maryknoll
Sisters, Dominican Friars, and novices from many different congregations.
Wednesday is the scheduled time for Rolande and me to depart the CDN. I will go back to my motherhouse in Columbus, Ohio, to prepare for my new ministry, and Rolande will go back to Maryknoll’s Center to prepare for her next step. We are grateful for the companionship of our co-directors, Sr. Lorraine, and Sr.Cathy. I am thankful for the gift of unity the CDN community has given us. We cooked, carpooled, and did house chores together. We shared meals, laughter, faith-sharing, community prayers, and conversations.
We are very thankful to each of you whom we have encountered this year.
We will miss the faculty, staff, and classmates at Aquinas Institute, the ICN
novices and formators, and the speakers at the ICN workshops. Each of them
has a unique identity, but all are in the same community of love and
We could never thank you enough for the graces of love,
support, and friendship that we have received during this past year. Your
cards, emails, gifts, and prayers meant a lot to us.
Please receive our
sincere gratitude and continue to keep us in your prayers as we keep you in
Your novices, Rolande and Phuong.