Nurturing Seeds Sown & Nurturing Plants
to be Grown

“But as for the seed that fell on rich soil,
they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a
generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.” Luke 8:15
Even though I don’t consider myself a
gardener, I’ve begun to see myself as a “nurturer of seeds & plants.” There
are the spiritual “seeds” that are being planted in me during this canonical novitiate
year here at the CDN. And then there are the actual plants at the novitiate
that I’ve been given responsibility to care for……. but, back to this part later.
Let me start with the spiritual “seeds” that
are being planted, “seeds” such as deep listening, living into community and the
vows, openness to new ways of prayer and contemplation, to name but a few. I
hope that the spiritual “seeds” fall into rich soil, but that’s not something I
can always control, so I give that part over to God. I try to water the “seeds”,
but at times circumstances prevent me from doing that, so it is then that I
hope one of my Sisters come to help me water my “seedlings.” I know that some “seeds” take longer than
others to mature and bear fruit, so I accept that I may not see the harvest, for
now, of all the nurturing given to me while here at the CDN. But I will take
these “seedlings” with me when I leave here and hopefully they will grow as I continue
to discern my vocation as a religious sister. It will take much perseverance for this growth journey.