Friday, December 15, 2023

Merry Christmas from the Collaborative Novitiate.

 The Feast Day for Our Lady of Guadalupe was a special day at the novitiate house this month.

The Novices, directors and some new friends at Saint Pius V for a very early morning mass.

The women of the novitiate all decorated our chapel for Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Feast Day, We all learned and sang a song, in Spanish, in honor of the day.

On Thursday, December 14, the directors surprised us with tickets to the Brookfield Zoo Holiday Magic light display.  The traffic in Chicago was moving slow.  I was feeling like it was taking forever to get to the zoo.  Someone in our car reminded me that…Advent is a time of waiting. We did eventually arrive and were rewarded by the vision of hundreds of Christmas trees, decorations and lights.   

                All of the Women at the Novitiate wish you a very Merry Christmas.


  1. Sorry I missed this earlier...I love all the pictures and wish you all a Merry Christmas tomorrow! With great love, Pat Connick

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy and Blww we asked New Yeqr!!
